Simple Exercises to Improve Your Dog’s Health

Dogs just like people can be inactive which can lead to weight gain and low energy, but you can turn this around with easy exercises for your pooch. Even if you have owned the dog for a few years and he or she has not received much exercise, what’s done is done, you can move forward and get him or her on the right track so that they can begin trimming down and become more active than they have been in the past. It does not take strenuous exercising in order for your dog to benefit.

First, walking is a great exercise that you can take your dog on to leisurely walk around your neighborhood. Don’t overdo it in the beginning, keep the walks short, but consistent and has your dog gets better at the walk, increase it, which will help them even more. Walking is also excellent exercise for you; so therefore, it is a win-win situation.

Secondly, if you have a set of stairs in your home, this is great exercise for your dog. The nice aspect to stairs is it can be done both inside and outside. Therefore, if you have your dog walk up and down the stairs a few times, it will make a difference, but increase it as time goes on so that he or she can get the full benefits. If the stairs are not wearing him out, then it is probably time to increase the number of times he or she is going up and down the stairs.

Fetching is another great exercise for dogs and many dogs could play this for hours and never tire of it. Therefore, make sure that you get several different types of toys to throw so he can run further and longer, which will increase the overall workout they are getting. This will help them bond with you and either trim down (if overweight) or stay fit. You can easily give this great exercise to your dog that does not require a lot of walking on your part in case you have physical limitations.

If you have your own swimming pool, this is also a very good exercise for dogs. Keep in mind some breeds adore the water and other breeds are not so fond of it. Therefore, you will have to try it out for yourself to see if it is something that your dog enjoys and takes to. If he or she appears scared or nervous in the water, perhaps swimming is not the best exercise for your dog.

Regardless of the exercise, you choose for your dog, the point is, many very easy exercises can greatly benefit your dog. When dogs are left to just become fat and lazy, they are not healthy and this is will almost assure they do not live to a very old age. Therefore, choose an exercise for your dog and be consistent with it so that you can enjoy your dog for many more years.

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