In the past, when a pet had passed away, the family would normally hold some sort of garden memorial burial ceremony for the sake of teaching children about what happens after something or someone passes away. With the exception of some parrots, animals are not meant to be with us throughout our lives. These types of pet memorials are ritualistically similar to that of human funerals. They teach children that death is a part of life.

In some low-lying areas, communities place their dead in crypts above ground, just as the ancient Egyptians did. In other areas, for centuries, the deceased have been buried in graves. The most economical way to dispose of a body was to bury it in the ground. Coffins were created of plain wood in a rectangular type shape. At one end, the coffin was just a bit wider to accommodate the person’s shoulders. … Read More >>>

Dogs just like people can be inactive which can lead to weight gain and low energy, but you can turn this around with easy exercises for your pooch. Even if you have owned the dog for a few years and he or she has not received much exercise, what’s done is done, you can move forward and get him or her on the right track so that they can begin trimming down and become more active than they have been in the past. It does not take strenuous exercising in order for your dog to benefit.

First, walking is a great exercise that you can take your dog on to leisurely walk around your neighborhood. Don’t overdo it in the beginning, keep the walks short, but consistent and has your dog gets better at the walk, increase it, which will help them even more. Walking is also excellent … Read More >>>